Getting Ready
Setting up ssh
Create signing key
Get hold of RAT
Useful Resources
Incubator release best practice
Incubator Policy
ASF Developer Guide
ASF Release FAQ
ASF Release Licensing FAQ
ASF Release Signing
ASF Comitters Guide
Henk's ASF Key Guide
Surfnet Key Server
MIT Key Server
Raymond's release script
Release Reviewer Check List
Check that all RELEASE-NOTES and READMEs etc have the right release number and date
Check that the RAT output doesn't report missing or non-ASF licenses other than for files that can't have ASF licenses.
Check that all files (that need it) have the ASF copyright and it's the right date
Check that the LICENSE and NOTICE files appear at the top level of source distro
Check that the LICENSE and NOTICE files appear at the top level of binary distro
Check that the LICENSE and NOTICE files appear at the top level of all /maven modules that will be distributed (these are the tricky ones as they get copied when people add new modules)
Check that LICENSE files have a copy of all third part licenses for the files in directories below them (jar name and version to which license relates must be clearly marked. Use the list from the distribution lib dir)
Check that NOTICE files have a copy of all of the copyright statements for the files in directories below the. You have to go through all dependency jars/files that have been copied in and check
Check that the signatures are in the right format
Check that the signing key is in the KEYS file and in an external repo
Check that there are no SNAPSHOT dependencies still in the distribution
Check that there is no junk left in the distributions (.log, .tmp, .bak etc)
Check that the distribution match the tag as far as possible. (Our NOTICE files have the module name dropped in automatically so don't match and we don't ship svg files)
Check that the manifests in the jars that we produce have enough information (name of product and version. Scripts below should do this).
Check that the project depends on the smallest number of versions of each third party jar
Check that all samples compile and run from the command line and where appropriate operate correctly in Tomcat/WebSphere/Jetty/Geronimo
Check that all demos compile and run from the command line and where appropriate operate correctly in Tomcat/WebSphere/Jetty/Geronimo
Check to make sure Javadocs are generated for APIs and SPIs.
Release Manager Release Process
This page borrows many of the commands from Raymond's release script but with a bit more explanation and a few extra useful commands. The commands here were taken from when release 1.1 RC3a was under preparation. Note that this document has been updated from experience gained with the SDO 1.1.1 release, which was the first release made after exiting incubation; as such, whilst the release names used in this document refer to an "incubating" version, the svn repository and the maven repository have been updated to the non incubating versions. It's also fair to say that it's unlikely that you will want to run all of these commands in sequence as you generally end up repeating sections as release preparation progresses.
Call for release
At some point someone in the community will call for a release based on the features and fixes that have been under development in the trunk. Typically the first stage in the release process is to decide on who is going to be the release manager, i.e. who is going to ensure that all the steps are taken to ensure a good release. This will typical involve someone volunteering and a vote on the dev list. The next thing is the create a branch where the code can be stabilized and testing can start on the release artifacts. It's useful to try and ensure that the code is complete as possible and that all the samples run before the branch is created. This removes the need for a lot of double fixing between the branch and the trunk.
Create the branch
Once the branch is created the version number in trunk can be updated.
Fix up the branch work
First checkout the branch so that you can work on it. These commands assume that a local directory called "branches" is present.
cd branches
svn co https:
Remove all the files that are not going to be part of the release, test all the samples and check all of the LICENSE and NOTICE files.
Check dependencies are as you would expect them to be. In particular check that we aren't depending on many different versions of third part jars. If we are this has the side effect of messing up the generated build files. If module A depends on x.jar v1.2 and module B depends on x.jar v1.3 then when a build file that is generated for a sample that only depends on module A the stated x.jar dependency will be v1.2. Of course the distribution build will make sure that only v1.3 is actually shipped and so the ant build will fail. (TODO - need better automation)
cd sca
mvn -o -Pdependencies -Dmaven.test.skip=true
find . -name dependency.txt -exec cat '{}' >> deptotal.txt \;
cd sca
mvn dependency:tree
Use you favorite spreadsheet tool to open deptotal.txt and order on the first column to see across the project what dependencies we have on what libraries/versions.
Once the branch is at the stage where a release candidate can be created for testing prepare to make a tag.
 | "Tip" When making changes to a branch or tag that are also relevant to the trunk, it's much easier to apply the changes to the trunk at the time, rather than wait and risk losing the changes. Svn provides a simple one line way to do this with the "svn merge" command. In the root directory of a checked out version of the trunk, if you run a command like the following ...
svn merge -r 674473:674474 https:
then that will apply the same edits as were made in the 674474 commit in the tag; merging them into your checked out version of the current trunk. The earlier you do this, the less likely that svn will present you with conflicts to resolve. |
Create Tag 1.1-RC3a
These commands assume that a local directory called "tags" is present.
Notice that all we are doing here is just checking out the branch again. This allows any last minute fixes to be taken from the branch in subversion and allows the version numbers in the tag to be corrected without affecting the branch, assuming that more than one tag will be required to complete the release process.
Fix the release dates
In various files under distribution/src/main/release the month of release is quoted. Fix this to be the expected release month.
Check the notice dates
It's not clear what the policy for dates in notice files is currently. We have gone for the following...
Copyright (c) 2005 - 2009 The Apache Software Foundation
As the project moves forward we need to check that the last date matches the current year. If you need to change all the notice files here's a script
for i in `/usr/bin/find . -name "NOTICE"`; do sed "s/Copyright (c) 2005 - 2008/Copyright (c) 2005 - 2009/g" $i >/tmp/tmp.notice; cp /tmp/tmp.notice $i; done
Change the version ID
The "-SNAPSHOT" is removed from the end of the version string. This ensures that the only thing building with the release version number on your PC is the tag being tested.
cd tags/1.1-RC3a
for i in `/usr/bin/find . -name "*.xml" -o -name "*.java"`; do if grep 1.3-SNAPSHOT $i>/dev/null; then sed "s/1.3-SNAPSHOT/1.3/g" $i >/tmp/tmp.xml; cp /tmp/tmp.xml $i; fi; done
Generate the RAT report
Create the report.
cd tags
java -jar C:\simon\apps\rat-0.5.1\rat-0.5.1.jar 1.1-RC3a > rat-1.1-RC3a.txt
Copy the report up onto the staging repo. You should of course check the report at this stage.
scp rat-1.1-RC3a.txt
 | "Tip" If you need to regenerate the RAT report after you have started on the steps that follow run "mvn clean" first to avoid complains about the files under target folders |
Build from top level
cd tags/1.1-RC3a
mvn -o clean install
cd tags/1.1-RC3a/demos
mvn -fae -o clean install
cd tags/1.1-RC3a/tutorial
mvn -fae -o clean install
Build distribution
cd tags/1.1-RC3a/distribution
mvn -o clean install
Check that the "all" jar is in place as with some JDKs this step fails intermittently
Copy the distribution to somewhere and try it
Try all the samples/demos
The war samples are currently to be tested with
- Tomcat 5.5.20 and Tomcat 6.0.14
- Jetty 6.1.3
- Geronimo 2.0.2 Tomcat6 jee5
- WebSphere 6.1 fix pack 9+
Clean you local repo of SCA modules and compile the source distro and run some samples to
Check for copyrights in the code to ensure that are what you are expecting
grep -iR --exclude=LICENSE --exclude=NOTICE Copyright * | awk '{if (!match($0, ".+ASF.+")) {print $0}}'
check all the NOTICE files
for i in `find . -name NOTICE`; do echo XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX; echo $i; cat $i; done > ../tmp
Check for any SNAPSHOTS left in by mistake
grep -r --include=*.xml SNAPSHOT *
Check the LICENSE file against what is provided in the distributions. There is no automation for this bit.
Check that all jars in the distribution\lib is mentioned on the binary LICENSE
for fn in *.jar; do if grep -q $fn ../LICENSE; then "$fn"; else "$fn NOT present"; fi; done
For 2.x this is
for fn in `find . -name "*.jar" -printf "%f\n"`; do if grep -q $fn ../LICENSE; then "-"; else "$fn NOT present"; fi; done;
And check that all jars that are mentioned are present
for fn in `awk '/.jar/ {if (match($0,"[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+[.]jar")) {print substr($0, RSTART,RLENGTH) } }' ../LICENSE`; do if ls | grep -q $fn; then echo "$fn";else echo ">>> $fn NOT present"; fi; done
For 2.x this is
for fn in `awk '/.jar/ {if (match($0,"[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+[.]jar")) {print substr($0, RSTART,RLENGTH) } }' ../LICENSE`; do if ls * | grep -q $fn; then echo "-";else echo ">>> $fn NOT present"; fi; done
Check for junk included by accident
find . -name log -print
find . -name work -print
find . -name lck -print
find . -name activemq-data -print
find . -name temp -print
find . -name tmp -print
Once you are happy with the release artifacts you can sign them and make them available for review.
Sign the artifacts
cd tags/1.1-RC3a/distribution/target
for i in *.zip *.gz; do gpg --output $i.asc --detach-sig --armor $i; done
for i in *.zip *.gz; do openssl md5 -hex $i | sed 's/MD5(\([^)]*\))= \([0-9a-f]*\)/\2 *\1/' > $i.md5; done
for %A in (*.zip) do gpg --output %A.asc --detach-sig --armor %A
for %A in (*.gz) do gpg --output %A.asc --detach-sig --armor %A
for %A in (*.zip) do gpg --print-md md5 %A > %A.md5
for %A in (*.gz) do gpg --print-md md5 %A > %A.md5
The commands above should produce artifacts of an appropriate format, as follows.
md5 should look like
8fb7cb398063ed0dffa414168468fffc *
asc should look like
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Cygwin)
Also you now need to sign the jars in the Eclipse update site.
cd to both plugins and features and run:
cd tags/1.1-RC3a/distribution/target/apache-tuscany-sca-<releasenum>-updatesite.dir/tuscany-sca-<releasenum>-updatesite/plugins
for i in *.jar; do gpg --output $i.asc --detach-sig --armor $i; done
for i in *.jar; do openssl md5 -hex $i | sed 's/MD5(\([^)]*\))= \([0-9a-f]*\)/\2 *\1/' > $i.md5; done
cd ../features
for i in *.jar; do gpg --output $i.asc --detach-sig --armor $i; done
for i in *.jar; do openssl md5 -hex $i | sed 's/MD5(\([^)]*\))= \([0-9a-f]*\)/\2 *\1/' > $i.md5; done
And then sign site.xml in the top level of the updatesite directory
cd ..
for i in *.xml; do gpg --output $i.asc --detach-sig --armor $i; done
for i in *.xml; do openssl md5 -hex $i | sed 's/MD5(\([^)]*\))= \([0-9a-f]*\)/\2 *\1/' > $i.md5; done
Put the artifacts up in your home directory on
cd tags/1.1-RC3a/distribution/target
scp *.asc
scp *.md5
scp *.zip
scp *.gz
cd tags/1.1-RC3a/distribution/target/apache-tuscany-sca-<releasenum>-updatesite.dir
scp -r *
cd tags/1.1-RC3a/distribution/src/main/release
Check permissions on the files
chmod 644 *.zip
chmod 644 *.gz
chmod 644 *.txt
Deploy the maven artifacts
Note below that the reference to "apache.incubator" in the "id" part of the -DaltDeploymentRepository argument to the maven deploy plugin is simply an identifier relating to a stanza in your local maven repo's settings.xml file. Note that also if you use ssh authentication by referencing a file containing your private key from the settings.xml file, then be sure to use a file in open ssh format. People who have followed the apache instructions for creating ssh keys on Windows with putty will probably not have created open ssh format files. You can however convert your .ppk file to the open ssh forrmat by loading it into puttygen and using the conversion menu.
cd tags/1.1-RC3a
mvn -N -DaltDeploymentRepository=apache.incubator::default::scp:
cd tools
mvn clean
mvn -DaltDeploymentRepository=apache.incubator::default::scp:
cd modules
mvn clean
mvn -DaltDeploymentRepository=apache.incubator::default::scp:
NOTE:Remove non jar artifacts from stage repo
Deploy the all jar
cd tags/1.1-RC3a/distribution/bundle/target
mvn gpg:sign-and-deploy-file -DartifactId=tuscany-sca-all -Dversion=1.1-incubating -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=tuscany-bundle-1.1-incubating.jar -DrepositoryId=apache.incubator -Durl=scp:
I have to go in and sign the pom for the all jar manually as it didn't happen automatically?
Check that the Maven artifacts work
Point you maven build at your p.a.o dir as a temporary mirror, for example, add mirror element to the settings.xml file (usually found at .m2/settings)
<url>http: <mirrorOf>apache.incubator</mirrorOf>
Clean your local SCA artifacts and use maven to compile samples and see if they run.
Check in the tag
Start voting
The PPMC will vote first. This may give rise to a new release candidate being required. If so you need to go back and start at the "Create Tag" step but using the next RC number.
Once the PPMC vote is complete the vote is moved across to the IPMC. Once all the votes are complete the artifacts that have been voted on can be release.
Once all the voting is complete
Copy the artifacts from your directory on to:
except for the tuscany-sca-<releasenum>-updatesite-publish directory. The contents of this directory should be checked into svn under:
Also check that the KEYS file is up to date.
Copy the staging repo to the live repo
mvn stage:copy -Dsource="http: -Dtarget="scp://<userid@>" -Dversion=1.1
You'll need the maven stage plugin to do this. Since maven-stage-plugin is not published, the release manager should checkout the source for the plugin and build it.
Or, instead of using the Maven stage plugin just manually copy the artifacts there:
cp -p -v -R sca/ /x1/www/
Check the permissions in the repo
There is a script in the SNAPSHOT report that sets the permissions correctly.
cd /www/
Copy the release candidate tag to the final tag name.