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Converting Tuscany 1.x Extensions
Converting 1.x dependenciesYou should configure the project pom.xml and
The following core modules are not ported yet :
The following modules are deprecated :
Converting Composites and other SCA XML Artifacts
Generating OSGi ManifestConfigure pom to use Apache Felix maven-bundle-plugin
<Import-Package>org.apache.tuscany.sca.assembly.xml;version="2.0.0", *</Import-Package>
Generate the manifest mvn org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:manifest Copy the generated manifest from target folder to <module-root>/META_INF/manifest.mf Add manifest to source control git add META-INF or svn add META-INF Make any manual modifications as necessary Converting your extension modelYour extension model needs to provide a new getType method public interface AtomCBinding extends Binding { QName TYPE = new QName(SCA11_TUSCANY_NS, "binding.atom"); ... } public class AtomBindingImpl implements AtomBinding { private String name; private String uri; public QName getType() { return TYPE; } ... } Converting Artifact ProcessorsMake sure you update your META-INF\services\org.apache.tuscany.sca.contribution.processor.StAXArtifactProcessor with new namespace and any other necessary changes to reflect the current 2.x structure. Converting you Binding runtime artifactsProvider Factory
public interface BindingProviderFactory<M extends Binding> extends ProviderFactory<M> { /** * Creates a new reference binding provider for the given endpoint reference * * @param endpointReference defines the component/reference/binding against which to create the provider * @return The binding provider */ ReferenceBindingProvider createReferenceBindingProvider(EndpointReference endpointReference); /** * Creates a new service binding provider for the given component and * service. * * @param endpoint defines the component/service/binding against which to create the provider * @return The binding provider */ ServiceBindingProvider createServiceBindingProvider(Endpoint endpoint); }
FactoryExtensionPoint modelFactories = extensionPoints.getExtensionPoint(FactoryExtensionPoint.class); ReferenceBindingProvider and ServiceBindingProviderThe previous SCA Models that were previously passed directly to these SPIs, is now available via Endpoint and EndpointReference as described in the code below: public class AtomReferenceBindingProvider implements ReferenceBindingProvider { private RuntimeComponentReference reference; private AtomBinding binding; public AtomReferenceBindingProvider(EndpointReference endpointReference, AtomBinding binding) { this.reference = (RuntimeComponentReference) endpointReference.getReference(); this.binding = (AtomBinding) endpointReference.getBinding(); } ... } public class AtomServiceBindingProvider implements ServiceBindingProvider { private MessageFactory messageFactory; private Endpoint endpoint; private RuntimeComponent component; private RuntimeComponentService service; private InterfaceContract serviceContract; private AtomBinding binding; private ServletHost servletHost; ... public AtomServiceBindingProvider(Endpoint endpoint, MessageFactory messageFactory, ServletHost servletHost) { this.endpoint = endpoint; this.component = (RuntimeComponent)endpoint.getComponent(); this.service = (RuntimeComponentService)endpoint.getService(); this.binding = (AtomBinding) endpoint.getBinding(); this.messageFactory = messageFactory; this.servletHost = servletHost; } .... Converting you Implementation runtime artifacts... Converting test casesIn 2.x we removed the Host-Embedded module and the SCADomain, and the recommended way is to use the Node SPI to build your test cases. We also are recommending using JUnit 4.5 test styles. See below a quick 1.x Style public class AtomTestCase { private SCADomain domain; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { domain = SCADomain.newInstance("AtomBinding.composite"); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { domain.close(); } .... } 2.x Style public class AtomTestCase { private static Node node; @BeforeClass public static void setUp() throws Exception { try { // use the contribution helper to find the location of the contribution directory // based on a class that is know to be in the contribution String contribution = ContributionLocationHelper.getContributionLocation(AtomTestCase.class); // create a note to load the contribution and run the named composite node = NodeFactory.newInstance().createNode("AtomBinding.composite", new Contribution("test", contribution)); // as an alternative to using the helper you can of course specify the location of the // contribution directly, for example, // // node = NodeFactory.newInstance().createNode(new Contribution("test", // "my/directory/structure/atom-contribution.zip")); // // Note also that no composite is named here. It is assumed that the contribution // specifies a deployable composite in the sca-contribution.xml file // start the node to make SCA services available node.start(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @AfterClass public static void tearDown() throws Exception { node.stop(); node.destroy(); } ... } NOTE You will need to add the node-impl as test dependency to your modules <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.tuscany.sca</groupId> <artifactId>tuscany-node-impl</artifactId> <version>2.0-SNAPSHOT</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> |
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