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HomeApache Tuscany Docs 2.x > Index > SCA Java Extensions Guide > SCA Java implementation.bpel
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This is a initial WS-BPEL component implementation that allows SCA runtime to invoke WS-BPEL executable processes in a SCA composition.
We are still working to finalize the Reference support, to allow your BPEL process to have partnerLinks pointing to SCA components.

As for creating a SCA component, below is an sample SCDL

<composite xmlns="http://www.osoa.org/xmlns/sca/1.0"
    <component name="BPELHelloWorldComponent">
        <implementation.bpel process="hns:HelloWorld"/>


WS-BPEL Engine

As for a WS-BPEL engine, we are using Apache ODE. In order to properly deploy a WS-BPEL process in ODE, a deployment descriptor like the one below should be suplied with your application :

<deploy xmlns="http://www.apache.org/ode/schemas/dd/2007/03"

	<process name="tns:HelloWorld">
		<provide partnerLink="helloPartnerLink">
			<service name="wns:HelloService" port="HelloPort"/>

For more information on these deployment descriptors, see documentation on Deploying a process in ODE


SCA & BPEL white paper

SCA Client Implementation Model for BPEL v1.00