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HomeApache Tuscany Docs 2.x > Index > Development Guides
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Table of Contents
SCA Java Runtime Overview

Runtime Overview This guide explains various pieces of the Java SCA Runtime, the module structure, and the internals of the runtime.

SCA Java Development Guide

Development Guide This guide explains how to checkout the Java SCA 2.x source code, build it and how to contribute code back to the project.

OSGi Aware Programming in Tuscany

OSGi Aware Programming in Tuscany This guide shows the Tuscany developer how to write code and extension code that would comply to some of the OSGi modularity concepts

OSGi Enablement for Tuscany Runtime This guide shows the Tuscany developer how to OSGi enable the Tuscany runtime.


Running Tuscany SCA 2.x with Equinox and Felix This guide shows the Tuscany developer how to start a Tuscany application on the Equinox or Felix OSGi runtime.

Converting Tuscany 1.x Extensions This guide shows the Tuscany developer how to convert 1.x extensions to 2.x

Converting Tuscany 1.x Applications This guide shows the Tuscany application developer how to convert 1.x applications to 2.x

Logging, Tracing and Timing in Tuscany 2.X